


  • Ryan Griggs, DO; ‘Erectile dysfunction, male stress urinary incontinence, urge urinary incontinence, and testosterone replacement.’ Salinas Chamber of Commerce Lunch and Learn Meeting. 1/24/23
  • Henry, Gerard, Griggs, Ryan, Jones, LeRoy. ‘New Bipolar Radiofrequency Sealing Tool for Transdermal Vasectomy in the Rabbit Model: A Paradigm Shift in Vasectomy Technique?’ SMSNA Surgical Video Session Presentation: Penile Surgery Innovations & Novel Techniques Webinar, 5/24/22
  • Griggs, Ryan, Karpman, Edward, Zhang, Wei, Henry, Gerard. “Low Concentration Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) in sterile water solution adherence, dip time, effect on the hydrophilic inflatable penile prosthesis (HIPP) coating, and patient tolerance.” Podium Presentation AUA Annual Meeting 2022, New Orleans, LA 5/16/22
  • Henry, Gerard, Griggs, Ryan, Labrecque, Michel, Marmar, Joel, Hakky, Tariq. ‘New Bipolar Radiofrequency Sealing Tool for Transdermal Vasectomy in the Rabbit Model: A Paradigm Shift in Vasectomy Technique?’ Video Presentation AUA Annual Meeting 2022, New Orleans, LA 5/16/22
  • Edward Karpman, Ryan Griggs*, Wei Zhang, Jeff Taylor and Gerard Henry. ‘Does Irrisept irrigation and dipping time adversely affect the hydrophilic coating of Titan penile implants?’ Podium Presentation SESAUA Annual Meeting 2022, San Juan, Puerto Rico 3/16/22
  • Henry, G.; Labrecque, M.; Marmar, J.; Griggs, R.; Hakky, T. “New Bipolar Radiofrequency Sealing Tool for Transdermal Vasectomy in the Rabbit Model: A Paradigm Shift in Vasectomy Technique.’ Video Presentation SMSNA Annual Fall Meeting 2021, Scottsdale, AZ 10/23/21
  • Karpman, E, Griggs, R, Henry, G. “Does Irrisept Dipping/Irrigation Adversely Affect the Hydrophilic Coating of Titan Implants?” Podium Presentation SMSNA Annual Fall Meeting 2021, Scottsdale, AZ 10/23/21.
  • Brennan, M., Griggs, R. et al, “Is Modeling Alone Enough for Management of Significant Curvature During Inflatable Penile Prosthesis (IPP) Implantation?” AUA 2018 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5/2018
  • Ghiraldi, E., Griggs, R. et al, “A predictive model to help identify factors associated with submitting 24-hour urine collections.” AUA 2018 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA 5/2018
  • Ryan Griggs, DO; ‘Peyronie’s Disease.’ Not just another MENtality. 9/27/23 
  • Ryan Griggs, DO; ‘Male Stress Urinary Incontinence.’ Not just another MENtality. 8/16/23 
  • Ryan Griggs, DO; ‘Erectile Dysfunction.’ Not just another MENtality. 4/19/23


  • Gerard Henry, MD, Ryan Griggs, DO, Micheal Labrecque, MD, PhD, Joel Marmar, MD, Tariq Hakky, MD. ‘NOVEL BIPOLAR RADIOFREQUENCY SEALING DEVICE FOR TRANSDERMAL VASECTOMY IN A RABBIT MODEL: A POSSIBLE SHIFT IN VASECTOMY TECHNIQUE?’ Poster Presentation SESAUA Annual Meeting 2022, San Juan, Puerto Rico 3/17/22
  • Karpman, E, Griggs, R, Henry, G. “Dipping Time for Irrisept Solution on Titan Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Hydrophilic Coating: No Difference from 1-60 minutes.” E-Poster SMSNA Annual Fall Meeting 2021, Scottsdale, AZ 10/23/21.
